6:32 video
the foot model has her foot turned to the side a little so you can see the tips of the tickler nails on her sole. The side foot position is very important. And you would do the 3 tickle techniques in the gifs. The last gif is for tickle technique reference ONLY. Just slowly trace your index finger up and down her sole, right down the center of her sole. And Mel would do lots of sole scrunching when tickled. Just like the second pic. You can tickle the other foot from time to time if you want but I'd like you to focus more on her foot that's crossed over.
So this can be sort of like a q&a where you ask Mel about tickling, if she's ticklish or not, if she likes it or not, most ticklish spot, best and worse tickling experiences, if she's dated anyone with a foot fetish/ tickle fetish. Experiences with tickling in her personal life. If she prefers to be a ler or a lee. Anything foot fetish related and anything else you wanna talk about. And just have Mel curl her toes, scrunch her soles often when you tickle her feet.